"you can IMAGINE IT, I can CREATE IT"
This product is a silicone prosthesis, unpainted, sculpted and hand molded. Silicone is the ideal material for prosthetic devices. It is light, incredibly flexible and translucent. This adds realism to the finished product. Encapsulated silicone edges can be easily dissolved with acetone. In case of an allergy or reaction, please stop using. Although as the silicone product is a reaction, it is less likely than in a latex prosthesis. They are perfect for special effects to achieve detail in the appearance of a character, for halloween and cosplay. Cruelty Free Brand.
Not Natural
Es la forma en que la imaginación cobra vida. Creamos personajes fantásticos mediante la aplicación de maquillaje o prótesis. "Si puedes imaginarlo, puedo crearlo".
Ofrecemos servicios de MAQUILLAJE, SFX, PROSTÉTICOS, AEROGRAFO entre otros servicios para PRODUCCIONES, FILMACIÓN, EVENTOS, TEATRO entre otra actividades. Trabajamos desde el concepto e idea de su Servicio de Maquillaje hasta la creación y Aplicación del mismo. Contamos con nuestros propios diseños de Prosteticos de Maquillaje pero de igual manera trabajamos el concepto Customizado en el cual creamos el diseño que usted necesite para su Producción.
Puede contactarnos para solicitar nuestros Servicios y la cotización del mismo.
Not Natural
It's the way imagination comes to life. We create fantastic characters through the application of makeup or prosthesis. "If you can imagine it, I can create it".
We offer MAKEUP, SFX, PROSTHETIC, AIRBRUSH services among other services for PRODUCTIONS, FILMING, EVENTS, THEATER among other activities. We work from the concept and idea of your Makeup Service to its creation and Application. We have our own designs of Makeup Prosthetics but in the same way we work the Customized concept in which we create the design that you need for your Production.
You can contact us to request our Services and a quote for it.